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Can I Move Out of the Area with My Child After a West Virginia Divorce?

Divorce brings significant changes in every area of life, and for many, relocation is a necessary transition. But when relocation occurs after a divorce, you have to go through additional legal steps to ensure that you can move with your child. As is the case with any court case that involves children, West Virginia courts put the child’s best interests first and foremost. This may affect whether or not you are permitted to move.

Considering a big move after a divorce? Make sure you protect yourself and cover your bases before making the big move. Call Pence Law Firm at 304-345-7250 to set up a consultation now.

Limitations When Moving

After a divorce, keeping your child’s life as routine and predictable as possible is likely one of your top priorities. Still, sometimes relocation is the best move for your future—and when it is, you’ll need to be familiar with state laws and limitations.

Under state law, a parent who is governed by a parenting plan must provide advance notice of any intended move. This involves filing a verified petition with the court and having that petition served upon the other parent at least 90 days prior to the anticipated relocation. The summons must be served no later than 60 days prior to the move. If you want to file when the relocation is less than 90 days away, be prepared to show that the 90-day requirement is impracticable in your specific situation.

The Child’s Best Interests

The court will always put the child’s best interests first when determining whether or not relocation is the best option for them. As a parent who wants to relocate, the burden of proof is on you; you will need to demonstrate that your moving plans are in good faith and that you genuinely believe that the move will be in the best interests of the child. You must also be able to show that there are no other alternatives available to you.

The court considers relocation to be for a legitimate purpose if it is to:

  • Be close to immediate family members
  • Better meet the child’s health needs
  • Protect the child’s safety or the safety of a family member
  • To pursue an important employment or educational opportunity
  • To be with the parent’s spouse or significant other with whom the parent has lived for at least a year

Steps Required to Move

When you draft your verified petition, you will need to include a variety of information. Your petition should include:

  • The intended relocation date
  • The address of the new residence
  • Why you plan on relocating
  • How custodial responsibility would be changed if the proposed move was permitted
  • A request for a court hearing

Remember that the court will be looking for proof that your petition was made in good faith, so provide all requested information and be clear in your reasoning.

Upon receipt of your petition, the court will schedule a hearing no less than 30 days ahead of the intended move. Both parents will have a chance to make their case to the court, and the court will likely allow the relocation if it is in the child’s best interests and if there are no other options available to the parent requesting relocation.

Creating a New Parenting Plan

If the relocation means that the current parenting plan will no longer be practical, the court date will also involve creating a new parenting plan that allows the non-custodial parent time with the child. This is something you may wish to discuss with your co-parent ahead of the court date, particularly if they are open to the move and are not planning on fighting you. 

The court may want the child to return to the other parent every other weekend, once per weekend, or less frequently, depending on how far away they will be moving. The non-custodial parent may get the opportunity to make up some of their parenting time during summer vacations, holiday breaks, and other long stretches of time without school.

Explore Your Legal Options with Pence Law Firm

If you want to relocate with your child in West Virginia, it’s important to plan ahead and discuss your next steps with the team at Pence Law Firm. We can help you understand the challenges you may face and prepare a compelling case. Give us a call at 304-345-7250 or reach out online to set up a time to talk.

Adopted Children Might Need Extra Support During Divorce

If you’re facing divorce and trying to figure out what’s best for your children, it’s important to think about the specific needs of each child. When you and your spouse share an adopted child, it’s likely that your child will struggle quite a bit throughout this process. The loss that comes with adoption can often be awakened through the loss of the divorce, and both you and your ex should be prepared to support your child through this time.

There are many factors that may influence how your child responds to your divorce. As you navigate this difficult time, make sure you have the legal support and guidance you need. Call Pence Law Firm at 304-345-7250.

Unique Challenges for Adopted Children

There are several challenges that divorce often brings up for adopted children:

  • Loss and abandonment: Adopted children often have a fear of abandonment and loss, due to the loss of their biological family early in life. Unfortunately, the upheaval of divorce can bring these feelings back to the surface.
  • Instability: Children, and adopted children, in particular, thrive in a stable environment. Divorce is the epitome of an unstable environment. You know that it’s temporary, but to a child, it can feel like their entire world is over. You may see your child act out, regress, or even withdraw from you as they try to process what’s happening.
  • Difficulty with attachment and trust: If the adoption is relatively recent and your child is still figuring out their place in your family, they may experience serious issues with attachment and trust during a divorce. A child who was previously securely attached may suddenly show an anxious attachment style or an avoidant attachment style, making it harder for both parents to bond with them. The child may also stop trusting their parents, making it harder for them to provide support during the divorce.
  • Confusion over loyalty: Children may feel like they have to declare loyalty to one parent during a divorce. This is often seen among adopted children, who may naturally be closer to one parent than the other. It’s crucial to avoid any hint of parental alienation, as the child must be encouraged to maintain a strong relationship with both parents.

Emotionally Supporting Your Adopted Child

Understanding the issues your child may face during this time can put you in a better position to support them as they grieve and heal. Emphasize the need for open communication and allow your child to open up to you—even if what they have to say may be painful or hurtful to hear. Remember that they have no say over what is happening, and it’s natural to feel angry or betrayed.

Protect your child’s routine as much as you can. Even if you’re in a different home, you can allow them to keep their same extracurricular activities, take them to spend time with friends and uphold the traditions you have always shared. Any consistency you can give them during this time can give them a sense of security.

Do your best to reassure your child of your love for them and your ex’s love for them. It may be difficult to talk about your ex in positive terms, but supporting their relationship with your child is truly putting your child’s best interests first. Don’t be surprised if your little one needs more reassurance, cuddles, or affection than usual.

Using Your Resources

You may want to have a therapist lined up before you even tell your child about the divorce. They will undoubtedly have things to work through in the months to come and providing them with support right away will benefit everyone. You may want to look for a therapist with specialized training in working with adopted children and navigating divorce trauma.

Keep learning throughout this time. Learn more about adoption-related trauma, the unique ways divorce can affect adopted children, and the best ways to support your adopted child’s growth and healing.

Facing Divorce? Contact Pence Law Firm Now

With the team at Pence Law Firm, you can work through divorce while giving your children the guidance and help they need. Let us handle the legal aspects of your divorce while you support your family. Set up a consultation with our team of Charleston divorce attorneys by calling us at 304-345-7250 or sending us a message online.